Александр Шапиро (burrru) wrote,
Александр Шапиро

Granddaughter Goose Rhymes

This is the house that Professor Jack built.

This is the genetically changed malt
That lay in the house that Professor Jack built.

This is the trained lab rat,
That ate the genetically changed malt
That lay in the house that Professor Jack built.

This is the Schrödinger's cat,
That probably killed the trained lab rat,
That ate the genetically changed malt
That lay in the house that Professor Jack built.

This is the Pavlov’s dog,
That regularly worried the Schrödinger’s cat,
That probably killed the trained lab rat,
That ate the genetically changed malt
That lay in the house that Professor Jack built.

This is the cloned cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the Pavlov’s dog,
That regularly worried the Schrödinger's cat,
That probably killed the trained lab rat,
That ate the genetically changed malt
That lay in the house that Professor Jack built.

This is the postgraduate student all forlorn,
That cloned the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the Pavlov’s dog,
That regularly worried the Schrödinger's cat,
That probably killed the trained lab rat,
That ate the genetically changed malt
That lay in the house that Professor Jack built.

This is the paper all tattered and torn,
That was studied by the postgraduate student all forlorn,
That cloned the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the Pavlov’s dog,
That regularly worried the Schrödinger's cat,
That probably killed the trained lab rat,
That ate the genetically changed malt
That lay in the house that Professor Jack built.

This is the dean all shaven and shorn,
That wrote the paper all tattered and torn,
That was studied by the postgraduate student all forlorn,
That cloned the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the Pavlov’s dog,
That regularly worried the Schrödinger's cat,
That probably killed the trained lab rat,
That ate the genetically changed malt
That lay in the house that Professor Jack built.

This is the alarm clock that beeped in the morn,
That waked the dean all shaven and shorn,
That wrote the paper all tattered and torn,
That was studied by the postgraduate student all forlorn,
That cloned the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the Pavlov’s dog,
That regularly worried the Schrödinger's cat,
That probably killed the trained lab rat,
That ate the genetically changed malt
That lay in the house that Professor Jack built.

This is the cellular phone,
That has the alarm clock that beeped in the morn,
That waked the dean all shaven and shorn,
That wrote the paper all tattered and torn,
That was studied by the postgraduate student all forlorn,
That cloned the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the Pavlov’s dog,
That regularly worried the Schrödinger's cat,
That probably killed the trained lab rat,
That ate the genetically changed malt
That lay in the house that Professor Jack built.
Tags: юмор

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